Back Pain is one of the most commonly reported medical conditions. Let us try to understand how to heal and soothe the back pain & why does the back pain occur, in the below article.
80% of humans having reported it in & around middle age. And what are the most common scientifically detected reasons of back pain?
1) Back Pain due to excess weight or Obesity:-
Studies Have suggested that excess of body weight is connected to back pain or lower back pain(LBP). Obesity is directly related to back pain. A lot of excess weight is located in the arms & abdominal region.
To support this weight the spinal cord & legs need to be strong. If the spinal cord is not strong or if the posture is not correct or if there is an uneven distribution of weight around the spinal cord etc it is easy to pick up a back ache or a sprain.
2) The Body Mass Index(BMI) connection to back pain
47 Reports cited at North Trendlag Health Study indicate that if the BMI is higher, it can lead to a high risk of back ache.
3) Smoking increases the risk of back pain & LBP(Lower Back Pain)
The evidences in epidemiologic literature published between 1974 & 1996 suggest that smoking causes & increases lower back pain. Abstaining from smoking increases the back ache & LBP.
The other possible reasons of lumbar, dorsalgia or back pain were
a) a possible injury to the spinal cord region which has been neglected,
b) a history of back pain in the family,
c) a back pain that originated just after a surgery was performed.
The home remedies & possible cures to back ache are performing some Yogasanas as taught by the Indians since ancient times. Apart from Yoga you can also resort to stretching exercises to keep your body agile & flexible.
Two of the most recommended Yogasanas for back ache's remedy by the Indians are the asanas which enhance the flexibility of the back-
1) Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose to keep the back flexible
Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose(Bow Pose in bow & arrow) to keep the spinal cord flexible & agile which reduces back pain
Some recent developments in the direction of discovering remedial procedures for recurring back pain have taken place.
" Mother Nature's Answer to Calm Your Joint Misery...
It's been used in numerous countries throughout the world for over 50 years.
The word systemic means “whole body” and systemic enzymes operate throughout your body in every system and organ. Enzymes are known as biocatalysts — substances that start or modify the rate of a chemical reaction in the body.
In this case, systemic enzymes are triggering the different stages of the healing process. And when you have a deep reserve of enzymes, discomfort from an injury is always short term.
While you’re young, you have an abundance of systemic enzymes… and that means your body is able to heal quickly and completely after an injury or irritation.
But after the age of 27, your supply starts to fall… and by the time you’re 50, they drop to dangerously low levels. That’s why older folks have lingering problems that never seem to heal.
And that’s why your feelings of misery and frustration go on for months, years... and even decades.
As you’re about to discover, systemic enzymes ensure a steady supply of fresh oxygen, nutrients, and hydration to areas in your body that are sore and inflamed.
The simple truth is that systemic enzymes provide blessed relief by completing all the steps of the healing process.
Enzymes are your first line of support when it comes to joint comfort, relief from nagging muscle irritation, and staying healthy, fit, and active.
Enzymes help support a healthy inflammatory response, which can have a positive effect on flexibility and mobility and for keeping your joints feeling young and spry...
And they relieve joint discomfort by restoring oxygen delivery to the places that hurt the most…
This allows your body to naturally recover from lingering injuries.
Here are just a few examples of the amazing benefits of systemic enzymes...
A study published in the British Medical Journal found that systemic proteolytic enzymes — enzymes that break down and eliminate excess proteins — had a “substantial and significant effect” on muscle fatigue and discomfort in active adults. The study also found that these enzymes support a normal inflammatory response for muscle recovery.”
Another study, which appeared in the European Journal of Sport Science, shows that “competitive cyclists taking proteolytic enzymes each day showed lower rates of fatigue and experienced enhanced levels of muscle recovery.”
And in other studies, systemic enzymes are shown to significantly improve symptoms and reduce levels of joint discomfort. Not only that, but these improvements also resulted in enhanced feelings of well-being.
So, as you can see, systemic enzyme therapy is safe and effective when it comes to relieving and soothing spazzy muscles and irritated, tender joints.
In Addition To Relieving Your Physical Distress, Enzymes Also…
Promote Healthy Fibrin Activity — Fibrin is a natural mesh-like protein substance produced by your body to help heal wounds. When things are working right, fibrin rushes in, does it job and goes away. When things aren’t working correctly, your immune system stays turned on and your body overproduces fibrin that latches on to damaged tissue and causes chronic irritation.
Proteolytic enzymes help to support healthy fibrin levels by helping to eliminate this protein after it does its job.
Red Blood Cells getting stuck in a fibrin web.
This happens when there aren't sufficient proteolytic enzymes in the bloodstream.
Support Healthy Blood Flow — In addition to fibrin, proteolytic enzymes help clear other debris that may affect healthy circulation. When you support healthy blood flow, a steady stream of healing oxygen and nutrients are delivered to all areas of the body to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
Maintain a Healthy Immune Response — A healthy immune system produces antibodies that protect against foreign substances that may cause irritation, discomfort and tenderness. Enzymes are adaptogenic – that means they affect the whole body’s immune response as a “biological response modifier” – helping to maintain a healthy and balanced immune system.
Promote Wound Healing — Systemic enzymes are involved in cell turnover, the process where new cell formation is balanced by cell loss. In addition, systemic enzymes help with the formation of collagen in the body. These are both important considerations when it comes to your body’s ability to recover from tissue damage.
Systemic enzymes truly are one of nature's most powerful natural remedies.
If you suffer from any sort of ache or physical discomfort and want soothing relief, or if you just want to get and stay as healthy as possible, I urge you to consider taking systemic enzymes.
They have been used to safely and effectively fight against muscle and joint problems and to support healthy circulation, a healthy immune response, normal fibrin activity and wound healing.
The prestigious Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Center in New York cites many studies on the effectiveness of Turmeric including neutralizing free radicals that are damaging to the body.
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, 30 patients received 333 mg, 3x a day of Boswellia. The group who received the Boswellia had a significant improvement in joint comfort, allowing the patients to move freely and comfortably as compared to the placebo group.
And these are just a few of the numerous studies that have shown the effectiveness of these ingredients.
The 12 Safest And Most Effective Joint-Supporting Ingredients
On their own, each of these ingredients have been proven through both clinical studies and thousands of years of use, to be safe and effective. But together, they work synergistically to quickly provide calming and soothing relief for throbbing muscles and joints....
Let's imagine that you met your dream man. You feel like he is the dude! You are absolutely certain that he is the one you want to spend your life with. You want to now find out how to make your man fall head-over-heels for you the way you have fallen for him.
A relationship needs 2 individuals who really want to be together. If one feels very obsessed about the other but the other is not even aware or maybe having other priorities in life, then what is needed is that you need to express your feelings directly/indirectly without too much of a delay.
If you want to get into a relationship with the man whom you have fallen in love with then you can use the following tips. These tips have helped a lot of girls & women get the man they love. There have also been cases where the ladies were able to get their ex back by using these psychological tactics.
How to make a man fall in love with you?
1) Eye Contact.
Use Eye Contact to express your feelings.
Your eyes can, at 'times', speak a lot more than what your words could ever convey. Being in love is included in those 'times'. Without saying "I love you" in words speak it out with your eyes. Every time you speak to him look at him as if he is the most important, most handsome man in the world for you.
Glance stealthily at him regularly. There will be times when he will catch you staring at him. Whenever he catches you lovingly & adorably staring at him it will convey the message that you are intensely fond of him.
2) Acknowledge, Adore, Respect, Admire & Rely on Your Man.
Make your man feel like he is your hero. Your superman. You trust your man to handle any situation.
Men like women who acknowledge the masculine presence in their lives. When a girl or lady expresses how much the man is important to her or how she would not have been able to manage the situation without him, they really like it.
When a female appreciates the problem solving ability of a man he becomes more protective of her & this keeps her think more about her. Respect the conclusions that he arrives at to sort out your issues however minor they might be. Appreciate & respect his thinking & working style.
A man wants his woman to trust his masculinity. Men are really fond of females who are totally submissive during bad times & trust their male partners to get them out of that situation without arguing about how their methods would have been better.
Don't try to make a man whom you feel is good, into someone who is perfect.
You have heard that there has never been a one-sided coin. We all come with our own pros & cons.
If you have found a man that you are intensely fond of but want him to correct a few things like getting into shape, going to the gym, dressing sense, change his talking style, earn more etc then just move on. Find another man. 'This man' is not your man.
It is difficult to change. For anyone. Enforcing changes will only lead to friction between two individuals with one trying to enforce a change & the other trying to resist the change.
4) Kick Your Past. Allow Yourself to Love & Be Loved.
Stop thinking about how your past has been. Don't link your present to your past. If your man makes endeavors to impress you, allow yourself to be pleased. Don't be paranoid because of possible turbulences in your past.
The intent is to not share secrets about your life but to discuss minute, trivial details of your life(maybe your routine). Talk about how you have been feeling low or some minor issue which has been bugging you since a long time. Seek his help/advice to fix something which is important to you.
Don't expose secrets of your life which can put you at an inconvenience if things go horribly wrong in your relationship.
You should never believe anyone who says it's 100% possible to get something done. Via your deeds you can only improve your chances when you increase the possibility of the occurrence of an event.
The reality is that the majority of men and women will always seek to resolve a situation via peaceful means first. Unfortunately, though, there are a lot of people out there who have learned to use violence to get things done their way.
They just want to impose their wishes & will on others. So if , without your wish, if a fight starts then you should know how to end it fast without being harmed & causing any fatalities.
Why must everyone(men & women) learn the basics of Self Defense?
You don't like to fight. But what will you do if a random guy you meet likes to fight? And fights for no obvious reason! You can run into anti-social elements, criminals any time! Hence, to defend oneself in such situations everyone should be familiar with the basics of self defense.
It’s among the quickest ways to end ANY kind of violent attack with a new technique which has been developed & fine tuned based on the methods developed over a century of modern warfare.
“Two words. Three vowels. Four consonants. Seven letters. It can either cut you open to the core and leave you in ungodly pain or it can free your soul and lift a tremendous weight off your shoulders. The phrase is: It's over." ― Maggi Richard
There’s nothing more painful than knowing that your man doesn’t feel like he did when you first met.
On the surface, everything might seem fine. To your family and friends, you might look like the perfect couple, and everything's going well between you.
But that small voice in your heart tells you differently. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you know your relationship is in trouble.
And with each passing day, that voice inside you grows louder and louder. Part of you just wants to bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything’s fine.
But you know that sooner or later, you can’t ignore that voice anymore.
As for your man, he’s not telling you anything, and it’s driving you crazy. Sometimes you wish he’d just come out with it and be straight with you.
If you knew for sure that the other shoe was going to drop, you could at least prepare yourself.
But instead, he’s simmering behind his wall of deafening silence.
Meanwhile, you’re stewing in your personal hell, trying to figure out what to do next.
Facing the Truth!
When you’re invested in a person, it’s hard to accept the possibility that maybe he’s not the one meant for you. Just thinking about it is painful.
But a lot of women fall into the trap of denial and look the other way. The signs are right in front of them, but they pretend not to see it.
So how do you know if that feeling in the pit of your stomach is just fear talking and nothing more?
How can you tell if he really does want out, but can’t say it to your face?
To help you gauge where you stand with a guy - and what to do next – check out the 5 Red Flags That A Guy Wants to Leave:-
1) He’s Turned Into the Silent Sphinx
Have you noticed your man being more quiet than usual? Maybe in the beginning, it didn't take much for him to share his thoughts with you.
If he had a rough day or something was bugging him, he’d waste no time spilling the beans.
But now things have changed with him. Suddenly, he’s withdrawn and brushes off your questions with, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
It might sound like a textbook male response, but think twice before dismissing this one.
Watch out if the shift in his behavior is drastic. Going from being a chatterbox to stonewalling can’t be a good sign.
2) He Can’t Stand Being Around You
You’d think this would be obvious, but you’d be surprised.
I’ve talked to a lot of women who didn’t give this behavior much thought until their man gave them the “I love you, but not in love with you” speech.
So in some cases, spotting this sign isn’t as easy as you think. Watch out for the following:-
He flips out over the stupidest things, like forgetting to put back the toothpaste near the sink or not replying to his messages right away
The things he used to find endearing about you before annoy him now
When you try to snuggle up to him, he tenses up, and his body language says "go away"
Say goodbye to any sexy time, too - he doesn’t seem turned on by you anymore
He’s finding little things to bicker about
He overreacts to innocuous questions or comments and responds defensively
He used to be laid back and game for anything, and now it seems like he’s ready to snap at the drop of a hat
Now sometimes, there’s a good reason why he’s being so uptight. Maybe there’s another part of his life that isn’t doing so well, like his career for instance.
He could also be feeling burned out and lacking motivation. That happens to everyone at point or another.
However, you should be concerned if there doesn’t seem to be any other factors involved.
If this irrational behavior keeps up with little justification for it, it’s possible that he wants to check out of the relationship.
3) He has become Mean, Hostile & Non-Responsive
This is probably more apparent than the other signs. Not only has he clammed up and turned into a grumpy shell of his former self... but it seems that the affection he once had has been replaced by a HOSTILE attitude.
His general tone towards you is demoralizing. His words cut deep, especially when you’re in a heated argument.
He just wants to “win” the fight – even if it means saying the most hurtful things that have never come out of his mouth before.
You might even wonder, “Who is this stranger I’m talking to? This wasn’t the guy I met not too long ago…”
4) The Love and Affection Have Dried Up
On top of everything else, he’s turned a blind eye to your emotional needs.
He couldn’t care any less if you had a terrible day. He’s not in the mood to hear it, and he’d rather be doing something else.
The same goes for your other needs, too. He no longer makes the time to be together, goes off the radar for extended periods of time… he doesn't keep you in the loop with what's going, and he's basically not interested in doing the things a couple is supposed to do.
For all intents and purposes, he’s stopped TRYING.
5) He Wants Space – LOTS of It
It's one thing for a guy to be unavailable for a while when he's dealing with a work-related task or something equally important.
Those times are expected, and he'll eventually come out of his cave, so to speak.
But what if he's acting like he dropped off the face of the Earth? And what if he doesn't even make the slightest effort to give you a heads up?
Maybe you've repeatedly been sending him messages, asking him what he's doing.
Then he replies with one-liners - or the dreaded "K."
In that case, that could mean that he’s not really interested in coming back.
Is It Too Late?
If you’re seeing only a couple of these signs - and they only happen occasionally – then it could be just a case of “Relationship Fatigue.” That’s actually normal, and couples lose the spark a bit at some point.
It’s also possible that he’s getting a little TOO comfortable in the relationship. It’s normal for some guys to slack off and drop the ball.
Furthermore, some men have a tendency to take things for granted. These guys might just need a little nudge to remember how good they’ve got it.
Annoying to be sure, but it happens.
However, if you’re seeing a LOT of these telltale signs frequently in your relationship, it could be something more serious.
He could very well be entertaining thoughts of packing his bags and heading for the hills.
But don’t lose hope – there is still something you can do.
You see, I used to be in the same situation. My long-time partner had basically shunned me and he was already one foot out the door.
But I discovered a way to flip a switch inside his head, and it made all the difference in the world.
More importantly, I stumbled upon the difference between making a man feel attracted… and making him feel a DEEP emotional attachment to you.
So when I learned how to do the latter, it eliminated any trace of doubt in his mind that I was The One for him.
And the great thing is that it works on just about ANY guy.
Whether you’ve known him for a few months - or a few years - you can make him realize that leaving you would be the WORST decision he could make in his life.
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In this article you will find a list of 17 of the Best Natural Remedies & Home Remedies for Tooth Pain & Gums Pain
This article has best home remedies & natural remedies for tooth pain, swollen, painful gums with abscess and bad breath. It is an attempt to help individuals to possibly avoid the complicated, painful dental treatments by using the natural & home remedies.
The intent is to help with home/natural remedies to keep our teeth strong and take remedial measures for abscess, swelling, cavities, pain that occur in our mouth, gums & teeth.
I have myself been terrified my whole life at the thought of visiting a dentist because of the painful dental procedures. I have never been able to come to terms with the fact that even to make the dental procedure ‘painless’, the dentist will start by giving pain to you.
He/She will first inject local anesthesia in your gums! I imagine a needle piercing my gums. Even this thought pains me. I have visited a dentist for a dental procedure only once in my life, after that I have been trying to do all that it takes to avoid further visits to the dentist
Moving on to our 17 best natural home remedies for toothache; pain, abscess and/or swelling in gums
This is an attempt to provide info on complete oral care & comprehensive dental treatment solutions to be done at home. The best tried & tested natural remedies & home remedies for tooth pain, pain & swelling in gums, abscess & cavities.
Depending on the level of decay in your teeth, cavity, gums etc you may see results varying in time period. It means someone may get instant relief, some may need some time to see the effect. I have personally tried most of the remedies listed below including the remedies number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
At different times in my life, depending on the time I could dedicate for these natural, home remedies as well as the availability of these materials/resources, I have applied/used the remedial measures. There are 17 of them. Please feel free to make use of them to possibly avoid visits to the dentist for painful dental procedures.
1. Chewing freshly plucked leaves or fresh tender twigs of Indian lilac or Neem tree for toothache, gums pain.
The scientific name of this tree is Azadirachta indica → I am sharing this based on my own personal experience.
When I was an Engineering student I used to stay in my Engineering college’s hostel. I was careless & lost in the freedom/academics/enjoyment available at my disposal in the hostel life. I used to eat a lot of sweets at night & sleep without cleaning my teeth properly hence cavities had developed in my teeth.
I had heard of all the painful procedures which people go through when they visit a dentist for toothache/cavities. Hence I did not want to see a dentist. At any cost! But I was in unbearable pain due to the cavities in my teeth.
I recalled that in villages people clean their teeth using (Neem tree)Indian Lilac’s tender, fresh twigs. The Neem tree leaves/twigs are bitter in taste. Very bitter!
Teachings of a Yogi, a Spiritual Guru for toothache dental problems & oral care
I had heard from a very wise, learned, senior spiritual Guru/preacher that germs don’t like bitter taste. He was speaking with reference to some other context. I decided to club it along with my own knowledge, analysis & it to treat my horrible toothache.
There were a few Indian Lilac trees within the huge & vast campus of my Engineering college. I used to pluck a lot of fresh, reddish and/or green Neem leaves everyday. At night, before going to sleep, I used to first clean my teeth properly. Then I used to chew a mouthful of washed Neem leaves.
As a result of constant chewing for 10+ minutes, the extract from the leaves used to mix with saliva and remain in all corners of mouth, cavities for 10–15 minutes. And I used to later swallow it after 10–15 minutes, fall asleep with the fine, crushed particles of Neem leaves embedded in the cavities of my teeth.
Now instead of food being trapped in the cavities of teeth, the crushed neem leaves would stay in the cavities whole night. These crushed neem leaves were not something which the germs/bacteria in the teeth could feed on.
In fact the germs would be repelled & feel suffocated because of the neem leaves embedded all around in the cavities. This was the thought process I had in mind which motivated me to try this before sleep ritual.
I continued this daily bedtime ritual for toothache and it had a really drastic and positive impact on toothache. Further decay of teeth was completely stopped. The most important outcome from my perspective was I could peacefully complete my Engineering without a single visit to the dentist’ clinic.
The Indian Lilac or Neem tree leaves are very powerful disinfectants. They also help reduce inflammation & treat any kind of oral disease or oral wounds.
Those who do not have an access to Neem leaves, you can follow the same ritual by replacing Neem leaves with Cloves which are more easily available. In fact you can get cloves from your local grocery shop.
2. Why Are Cloves Considered Better Natural Remedy For Teeth Decay, Toothache, Gums Pain & Bad Breath?
How Do Cloves Provide Relief From Toothache Immediately?
It is widely known that Cloves or clove oil, easily available at medical stores, provide relief from tooth pain and gums pain. On many occasions cloves provide immediate relief for tooth & gums pain. Cloves are flower buds of clove tree. They are also known as Syzygium aromaticum
When one chews Cloves, the strong aroma of Cloves eliminates bad breath. The extract of Cloves mix with the saliva & act on the root cause of toothache. If you are using Clove oil then a small Cotton ball needs to be dipped in Clove oil & placed on the tooth/cavity where pain is being experienced.
Alternatively, every night after cleaning your teeth, you can chew 2–4 cloves properly. Grind them using your teeth. The medicinal extract from cloves will mix with saliva and treat your teeth, cavities & gums.
Let the cloves remain embedded in the cavities, entangled between your teeth. You can clean the clove particles in the morning when you brush your teeth.
I am a Chemical Engineer. My knowledge of Chemicals & common sense suggested that during daytime we keep eating(breakfast,snacks,tea,coffee,meals,water etc) hence there is a continuous flow of decomposable elements through our teeth.
Nothing gets stuck for 6–8 hours at a stretch. At night when we sleep for 6–8 hours the food particles which are stuck in our teeth for 6–8 hours get time to rot & decompose thus decaying our teeth.
I thought instead of food particles, I will on purpose embed elements in the cavities of my teeth which repel/kill germs and bacteria. With this thought process in mind, I had tried these 2 remedies & they were very positively effective.
3. Paste of mustard oil mixed with sea salt stops tooth decay & gum decay
Take this paste of mustard oil with salt in your palm. For best results use sea-salt. You can use normal processed salt(present in our kitchens) if sea salt is not available.
You can also add pure turmeric powder to salt, oil & then prepare a paste. This will optimize the healing property of the paste as turmeric has very strong anti inflammatory, antiseptic & antioxidant properties.
Apply this paste on to your teeth & gums using your middle finger. Gently massage it all over the teeth & gums. Close your mouth & let it stay for around 20–30 minutes.
After around 30 minutes, rinse your mouth clean with water. You can do this at least twice if not more, every week. It really stops the decay of teeth & gums. It eliminates bad breath.
4. Gargle with lukewarm salt water to stop tooth decay & gums decay.
This is considered as an effective remedy to stop tooth, gums decay. It is very easy to prepare. Put around 1 teaspoon sea salt in a glass of lukewarm water & mix it properly. Now it is ready for use.
Gargling with salt water disinfects the entire inner area of your mouth. The food particles stuck between your teeth/ in cavities are washed out when you gargle. It cures any kind of inflammation. Any oral disease, oral infections can be healed with this procedure, if done correctly.
5. Cold Compress. Numb the toothache with ice-cold water/ice
It has been found that acute terrible pain can be suppressed with cold water/ice. If you are experiencing extreme toothache then filling your mouth with ice/ice-cold water can give instant relief as it totally numbs that area.
If after a while the pain starts resurfacing again then spit out the water/ice & replace it with fresh ice-cold water/ice.
6. Garlic for tooth ache, a complete oral care solution
You can use garlic for toothache, gums pain. Though garlic has a distinct, strong, repulsive odour. It has strong indigenous anti microbial, anti bacterial elements. You can add some sea-salt with garlic & crush it to form a paste.
Then place this paste in the cavity of your tooth or apply it on the paining tooth/gum area. You may repeat this twice/thrice in a aday as required for pain relief.
If one uses hydrogen peroxide solution during toothache as a mouthwash or use H2O2 to gargle, it immediately provides relief from toothache, gums pain. Hydrogen Peroxide solution is an effective toothache remedy & a better alternative for dental treatments.
You can use cold/hot tea bags of peppermint. Whichever works best for you hot or cold tea bags, can be used. After using a tea bag in hot tea, take it out. Let it cool down till it reaches a temperature you can bear. then place it on the affected/paining area. Alternatively you can place the used tea bag in cold storage/on ice cubes & then apply it on the aching tooth/cavity.
9. Thyme Herbal extracts, a remedy for tooth pain, gums pain.
Thyme is a herb which has very strong antioxidant & anti germ content present in it inherently. One can chew this herb or crush the thyme herbs & drop the medicinal extract obtained after crushing it in the cavities of the teeth or paining tooth/gums area. Also thyme herb oil is available locally. One can wet cotton buds with thyme oil & place it on the area in the mouth which is experiencing pain.
10. Guava Leaves as a remedial treatment for toothache, gums pain.
Like Thyme Herbal extracts or Indian Lilac, Guava leaves have inherent ant inflammatory & anti microbial properties. As well as you can use guava leaves in a similar way. Chew the Guava leaves so that the anti germ content in the leaves mixes with saliva & reaches every part of your mouth. Or you can boil handful of crushed guava leaves & keep this solution to be used as a mouth wash. It is an effective toothache as well as gums pain remedy.
11. Oregano Oil, a comprehensive remedial solution for dental problems.
remedy for It’s an extremely effective treatment for toothache & gums pain because it has highly potent anti bacterial content. You can directly put a few drops of oregano oil on the paining tooth area and in the cavity of tooth/teeth. It not only completely relieves you off pain but also avoids a recurring toothache, if used at regular intervals as instructed.
12. Cayenne pepper with Ginger for toothache & gums pain.
You can apply a paste of cayenne pepper & ginger on the paining area. you can fill up the cavity of teeth or apply it on the painful tooth/gums. After a while you can rinse your mouth clean with fresh water. You can repeat this 2–3 times in a day.
13. Onions a solution for toothache, gums & oral care.
Like Garlic, Onion is full of useful anti oxidant & anti microbial content which can prove to be helpful in dental treatment. You can chew raw onions or apply a paste of onions in the area where you are experiencing pain. Not only does it alleviate toothache it also stops further decay of gums & the painful tooth.
14. Wheatgrass for dental treatment.
There is high chlorophyll content in Wheatgrass & enough healing content to relieve inflammation of gums and toothaches. Wheatgrass is considered by users as an effective treatment for pain in teeth as it kills germs & eliminates bacteria.
15. Vanilla Extract for pain in tooth, swollen gums.
Dip a cotton bud in Vanilla extract & apply it on the affected paining area in the mouth. You can place the cotton soaked in it gently in the cavity of teeth or on the decayed part of teeth. As it has high alcohol content it can instantly numb the area & relieve you off the pain.
16. Baking soda for tooth pain and gums pain
Baking soda treats abscessed tooth & swelling in the gums area along with toothache. You can mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 pinches of salt in a glass of water. Gargle with this mixture for at least 2 minutes then spit it out. Repeat till you use up the entire mixture. You can do this twice a day. It is a very effective, easy & affordable dental treatment you can do at home.
17. Fenugreek tea for toothache, dental treatments and oral care solutions.
It reduces inflammation, has strong healing properties as it is full of anti bacterial content. You can crush fenugreek seeds and boil it in water to make fenugreek tea. Let it cool. Dip a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on the paining gum or teeth. Do this twice/thrice in a day or as required. You can also gently place this cotton ball soaked in fenugreek tea in the cavity of your tooth.