Friday, July 24, 2020

How to Stop Snoring?

Don’t let snoring ruin your relationship or a good night’s sleep. Learn what causes snoring and how you can cure it.

What causes snoring?

Just about everyone snores occasionally, and it’s usually not something to worry about. Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep.
This makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the familiar snoring sound. People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.
If you regularly snore at night it can disrupt the quality of your sleep—leading to daytime fatigue, irritability, and increased health problems. And if your snoring keeps your partner awake, it can create major relationship problems too.

Thankfully, sleeping in separate bedrooms isn’t the only remedy for snoring. There are many effective solutions that can help both you and your partner sleep better at night and overcome the relationship problems caused when one person snores.

Best Remedy for snoring

Click here to find out about our most recommended treatment for snoring. It is considered by users as the best remedy for snoring.
Since people snore for different reasons, it’s important to understand the causes behind your snoring. Once you understand why you snore, you can find the right solutions to a quieter, deeper sleep—for both you and your partner.

Common causes of snoring

Age. As you reach middle age and beyond, your throat becomes narrower, and the muscle tone in your throat decreases. While you can’t do anything about growing older, lifestyle changes, new bedtime routines, and throat exercises can all help to prevent snoring.
Being overweight or out of shape. Fatty tissue and poor muscle tone contribute to snoring. Even if you’re not overweight in general, carrying excess weight just around your neck or throat can cause snoring. Exercising and losing weight can sometimes be all it takes to end your snoring.
The way you’re built. Men have narrower air passages than women and are more likely to snore. A narrow throat, a cleft palate, enlarged adenoids, and other physical attributes that contribute to snoring are often hereditary. Again, while you have no control over your build or gender, you can control your snoring with the right lifestyle changes, bedtime routines, and throat exercises.
Nasal and sinus problems. Blocked airways or a stuffy nose make inhalation difficult and create a vacuum in the throat, leading to snoring.
Alcohol, smoking, and medications. Alcohol intake, smoking, and certain medications, such as tranquilizers like lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium), can increase muscle relaxation leading to more snoring.
Sleep posture. Sleeping flat on your back causes the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airway. Changing your sleep position can help.

Ruling out more serious causes

Snoring could indicate sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder where your breathing is briefly interrupted many times each night. Normal snoring doesn’t interfere with the quality of your sleep as much as sleep apnea, so if you’re suffering from extreme fatigue and sleepiness during the day, it could be an indication of sleep apnea or another sleep-related breathing problem. Call your doctor if you or your sleep partner have noticed any of the following red flags:
  • You snore loudly and heavily and are tired during the day.
  • You stop breathing, gasp, or choke during sleep.
  • You fall asleep at inappropriate times, such as during a conversation or a meal.

Linking the cause of your snoring to the cure

Monitoring your snoring for patterns can often help you pinpoint the reasons why you snore, what makes it worse, and how to go about stopping it. To identify important patterns, it helps to keep a sleep diary. If you have a sleep partner, they can help you fill it in. If you sleep alone, set up a camera to record yourself at night.

How you snore reveals Why you snore!
1) If it is a closed mouth snoring it may indicate a problem with your tongue.
2) If you snore with open mouth it could be related to issues in your throat.
3) If you snore mildly only while sleeping on your back, improved sleeping habits & lifestyle changes could be the cures.
4) If you snore loudly in all sleeping positions then your snoring condition is severe & could require a more comprehensive treatment.

Remedy to snoring loudly & all kinds of snoring:- You can try this definitive solution to snoring. It is designed to increase the amount of oxygen you inhale with each breath. Click here to get this remedy for your snoring.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Why is Rapper Kanye West running for US President's post in the US elections 2020?

Rapper Kanye West, Kim Kardashian's husband, has announced his decision to contest US Presidential Elections. As soon as Kanye made his decision to contest elections public, and challenge Donald Trump along with Joe Biden, whom most people were considering a formidable opponent to the current US president Trump, Elon Musk voiced his support for Kanye West.

We will go through the sequence of events like:-
1) How corona virus has impacted USA & it's possible influence on the US elections in November 2020.
2) How George Floyd's custodial death has impacted USA it's possible influence on the US Presidential elections &
3) What could be the possible reasons of Rapper Kanye West's decision to run for US president in the US presidential elections in 2020 in this write-up below.

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Moving on with our main topic-
Kanye West's decision to jump into the election ring has come after the recent unrest & massive protests against racism & discrimination being faced by the non-white American residents in the US. The USA has seen huge protests with worldwide hashtag trends which were indicative of huge turbulence in the US while most states of America have already been heavily impacted by the covid19 pandemic.

#BlackLivesMatter trended on Twitter & other social media platforms worldwide, for many days. The trend picked up and was consequently supported by Twitter users from other countries as well.

There were violent protests predominantly by people of African origin and non-white American residents after the death of George Floyd, a non-white American, around a month back. George's death happened while he was in the custody of Minneapolis police.

George Floyd- What happened exactly?
On May 25 2020, Minneapolis police officials had arrested George Floyd for having used counterfeit bills, as per the police officials. A store manager called 911 saying, "Mr. George Floyd bought cigarettes using a fake $20 bill.

Police officials arrived on the scene & arrested George. Derek Chauvin, who was a 'white' police officer, had knelt on George's neck for allegedly more than 8 minutes.

Derek knelt on George's neck when he was lying on the ground on his stomach with his hands handcuffed behind his back. This had lead to George's suffocation & ultimately death. According to an eye witness George had not resisted any of the police official's action. He was co-operating while humbly requesting the official to allow him to breathe. "I can't breathe", he pleaded & kept pleading, but the police official did not relent.

Who was the eye witness in George Floyd's case?
Maurice Lester Hall, Floyd's friend, was the eye witness. All during this incident he was seated in George Floyd's car on the passenger seat. He narrated that George Floyd did not put up any resistance, co-operated & in all humbleness kept requesting the police officials to let him know what it was all about. Later he was pleading humbly to allow him to breathe.

Hall was so terrified of the incident that he fled Minneapolis after George Floyd's death.

Derek Chauvin, the police official only got up after the para medics had arrived and asked him to get off. A total of more than 8 minutes since Derek was kneeling on George's neck & more than 1 minute had passed since George was lying motionless on the ground with Derek's knees still on George's neck, as shown in the image above.

This incident had lead to nationwide protests in the US. The video which had recorded the incident was of a total duration of 8 minutes & 46 seconds.

8 minutes and 46 seconds
The total duration for which George was held against the ground by Derek while kneeling on his neck is 8 minutes & 46 seconds. Some reports suggest it was 8 minutes & 15 seconds. However 8 minutes & 46 seconds was trending on social media, world wide. It had become a banner & a rallying cry for nationwide protests.

The following day Minneapolis Police department fired all the 4 police officials; Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, J Alexander Kueng & Tou Thou; who were present at the scene, with immediate effect. All the 4 were imprisoned & Derek, the police official seen in the videos kneeling on George's neck, was charged with third degree murder & second degree manslaughter charges by the Hennepin County attorney, Mike Freeman, on May 29.

Hennepin County prosecutors pressed a more serious second degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin on June 3 citing that even though Mr. George Floyd had already lost his consciousness yet Mr. Derek Chauvin did not take his knee of Mr. Floyd's neck 1 minute 20 seconds after para medics had arrived at the scene.

The other 3 officers, Thomas Lane, J Alexander Kueng & Tou Thou,  had charges of aiding and abetting second degree murder pressed against them.

8 minutes OR 7 minutes?
People were having heated discussions about the total duration of the incident. Some said it was 7 minutes 46 seconds, some said just over 8 minutes while some said it was 8 minutes and 46 seconds. However Jamar Nelson who supports the crime victims & the families of crime victims in Minneapolis area shot back saying, "the bottom line is it was long enough to kill him, long enough to execute him."

The United States has seen protests over discrimination & racism being leveled against the 'whites' quite a few times in the last decade. However the protests which started after George Floyd's death have really rocked the nation which is already marred by the corona virus pandemic.

The protests were staged at a crucial time as the US is gearing up for the US presidential elections around the middle of November 2020.

With the protests by the predominantly 'non-white' Americans, the elections around the corner comes Kanye West's declaration that he would be running for the post of the US President in the 2020 US elections.

Why is Kanye West running for the US presidential elections 2020?
Experts are pointing to 2 possibilities:-
1) This could be a ploy by Donald Trump himself to split up the votes. As the Trump leadership appears to be on the back-foot because of the way they have handled the corona virus pandemic. The number of people affected by the covid19 pandemic has shot up in the US & currently US stands as the top country having the maximum number of infected cases.

Since last 3 days i.e 1st, 2nd & 3rd July the number of new reported cases of covid-19 positive cases was in excess of 50,000 cases per day with the highest confirmed, reported cases being 54,500. With the US independence day celebrations on the 4th of July 2020, the number of new cases coming up daily could shoot further up.

Being number one on the charts in the total number of covid-19 cases as well as number of new caes springing up daily is an unenviable position, a tag which the US & the POTUS could do without, specially with the elections to be held around November.

Experts say this could be a desperate ploy by Trump as the Republican Party nominee appears to be
 weak footed against Joe Biden, the Democrats Party contender for the POTUS post in the 2020 elections. Most of the analysis & predictions have been predicting Joe Biden as the favorite to win the elections.

With the George Floyd's incident, United States was marred by nationwide protests which took violent turns at some states & counties, there is also an air of resentment against the Trump administration.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. or Joe Biden appears to be a strong & formidable opponent to Trump. He has views leaning towards the Left which is diametrically opposite to Donald Trump's views. Most of the Americans, unhappy with the US' inability to control the spread of corona virus or covid19 cases in the country & having feelings of resentment due to existing racism would want to turn away from Trump.

This is a big reason for Trump to worry about as even some of Trump's loyalists have been a part of protests against the current US President Donald Trump.

2) Probably rapper Kanye West, husband of Kimberly Kardashian or Kim Kardashian has some political aspirations. A big advantage could be he is a 'non-white' American rapper. And he wants to cash in on all of these anti-Trump, anti-US administration sentiments which are being aired.

What the reality is, we are probably going to find out rather sooner than later.

Good Morning