Hindutva is a way of life.
It is believed that every child born in any corner of the world is Hindu. After Baptism or circumcision etc rituals the new born baby’s faith is changed.
Neither Lord Shri Ram nor Lord Shri Krishna have established 'Hindu religion', they incarnated in this religion. Sanatan Dharma, which is now known as Hinduism, is a way of life. Lord Shri Krishna addressed all human beings in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita & taught everyone the intricacies of life on this planet. The ways to deal with happiness, sufferings, depression, sorrow, victory, defeat, achievements & fulfill the ultimate purpose of life.
After we yot independence from British, 2 small nations separated from India. They got separated on the basis of religion. Those muslims who wanted their Triple Talaq, Polygamy, halala etc rules to be enforced in real life & who could not gel with people from other faiths, respect their beliefs, demanded a separate land & they got it. So technically India should have been left only with Hindus & ultimately a Hindu Rashtra, but thanks to Nehru & Gandhi, we became a secular state.
Hence by default, India is a Hindu Rashtra. The then PM Nehru, declared India as a secular state as that possibly served his cardinal desires apart from safeguarding his post of PM. However the overwhelming majority of India was, is Hindu. Still, we accepted secularism. It’s because we Hindus are in majority, India is secular.
No country with majority population being muslim is secular. Countries where muslim population is in a sizeable proportion, have wiped out the people from other faiths over a period of time & established an Islamic identity. People can cross check & validate this by going through global history.
A shining example is Pakistan where Hindus were > 20% at the time of partition & establishment of its independent identity. Now Hindus are less than 1% in that country in 2018. Ethnic cleansing, forced conversions are a routine, people are coerced into becoming muslims. Beautiful Hindu girls are kidnapped at gunpoint, married off forcefully & law enforcing departments give ludicrous statements, set up narratives to save the culprits. Rinkle Kumari being just one burning example. Check BBC coverage... Row over missing Pakistani Hindu
Likewise for Christians. All the countries where East India company ruled, were forced into accepting Christianity. Even now conversions continue via Evangelists in India which is funded by Vaticn city. Sonia Gandhi, Nun Teressa are/was the top evangelist. This happens on a massive scale in neglected regions, tribal areas etc... Check the profile, real-time daily updates on --> https://twitter.com/noconversion/status/1029215510217609217
During muslim rule in India, apart from harassments, mass conversions, Hindus were forced to pay ‘jizya’ tax to survive & remain alive as Hindus. Likewise to escape atrocities of British, people converted into xtianity.
It is to the credit of the Hindus who had the spine to resist & endure the atrocities of muslim invaders for more than 500 years & British for > 200 years that we have maintained our Hindu identity. It speaks volumes about our DNA & our strong culture, seeds of which were sown by sages, saints, rishis & gurus of ancient Bharat.
Though this has been negated to a great extent since independence by our culture shaming, Hindu bashing projects by Bollywood, Convent schools, taking false pride in English education enforced by Nehru & people who are catalogued with him. The sense of pride in our rich culture which was globally respected, is now missing in youngsters. They want to believe a virgin giving birth to boy as scientific/miraculous truth, witness a Hindu protagonist in a movie dance to music of 'Jumme ki Raat hai...' but will dismiss our history of Ramayan & Mahabharat as myth & impossible thanks to the convent education & Bollywood being funded by Gulf & Dawood type of jihadi criminals to eulogize muslims, xtians & demonize/make fun of sanyasis, saints, Hindu Gods & rituals.
It is believed that every child born in any corner of the world is Hindu. After Baptism or circumcision etc rituals the new born baby’s faith is changed.
Neither Lord Shri Ram nor Lord Shri Krishna have established 'Hindu religion', they incarnated in this religion. Sanatan Dharma, which is now known as Hinduism, is a way of life. Lord Shri Krishna addressed all human beings in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita & taught everyone the intricacies of life on this planet. The ways to deal with happiness, sufferings, depression, sorrow, victory, defeat, achievements & fulfill the ultimate purpose of life.
After we yot independence from British, 2 small nations separated from India. They got separated on the basis of religion. Those muslims who wanted their Triple Talaq, Polygamy, halala etc rules to be enforced in real life & who could not gel with people from other faiths, respect their beliefs, demanded a separate land & they got it. So technically India should have been left only with Hindus & ultimately a Hindu Rashtra, but thanks to Nehru & Gandhi, we became a secular state.
Hence by default, India is a Hindu Rashtra. The then PM Nehru, declared India as a secular state as that possibly served his cardinal desires apart from safeguarding his post of PM. However the overwhelming majority of India was, is Hindu. Still, we accepted secularism. It’s because we Hindus are in majority, India is secular.
No country with majority population being muslim is secular. Countries where muslim population is in a sizeable proportion, have wiped out the people from other faiths over a period of time & established an Islamic identity. People can cross check & validate this by going through global history.
A shining example is Pakistan where Hindus were > 20% at the time of partition & establishment of its independent identity. Now Hindus are less than 1% in that country in 2018. Ethnic cleansing, forced conversions are a routine, people are coerced into becoming muslims. Beautiful Hindu girls are kidnapped at gunpoint, married off forcefully & law enforcing departments give ludicrous statements, set up narratives to save the culprits. Rinkle Kumari being just one burning example. Check BBC coverage... Row over missing Pakistani Hindu
Likewise for Christians. All the countries where East India company ruled, were forced into accepting Christianity. Even now conversions continue via Evangelists in India which is funded by Vaticn city. Sonia Gandhi, Nun Teressa are/was the top evangelist. This happens on a massive scale in neglected regions, tribal areas etc... Check the profile, real-time daily updates on --> https://twitter.com/noconversion/status/1029215510217609217
During muslim rule in India, apart from harassments, mass conversions, Hindus were forced to pay ‘jizya’ tax to survive & remain alive as Hindus. Likewise to escape atrocities of British, people converted into xtianity.
It is to the credit of the Hindus who had the spine to resist & endure the atrocities of muslim invaders for more than 500 years & British for > 200 years that we have maintained our Hindu identity. It speaks volumes about our DNA & our strong culture, seeds of which were sown by sages, saints, rishis & gurus of ancient Bharat.
Though this has been negated to a great extent since independence by our culture shaming, Hindu bashing projects by Bollywood, Convent schools, taking false pride in English education enforced by Nehru & people who are catalogued with him. The sense of pride in our rich culture which was globally respected, is now missing in youngsters. They want to believe a virgin giving birth to boy as scientific/miraculous truth, witness a Hindu protagonist in a movie dance to music of 'Jumme ki Raat hai...' but will dismiss our history of Ramayan & Mahabharat as myth & impossible thanks to the convent education & Bollywood being funded by Gulf & Dawood type of jihadi criminals to eulogize muslims, xtians & demonize/make fun of sanyasis, saints, Hindu Gods & rituals.