There was a time when the entertainers - the Bollywood actors of today, were nomenclated as bhaands in the days when kings ruled various states of India. These bhands used to stay outside the city/state boundaries. They used to venture inside the boundaries only for business/purchase. They were not given residence within the territories of states.
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They were not really trusted nor respected, nor was their opinion sought on important issues concerning warfare, governance, strategies of states. No learned man/woman would even think of becoming a bhand at that time. It was kind of a humiliating profession, as depicted even in some of our Old Eastman Colour/Black n White movies. The movies having the concept of Kabila/Carvan in our Bollywood enunciate this in a pretty firm & lucid manner.
However, as cultural values have eroded, noble & dignified karmic professions known as Teaching, being a Defence personnel defending the country against invaders, a learned person showing the true path-Guru etc are nowadays even despised, forget about commanding respect.
Now the respected people are the bhands of Bollywood. The media gets inputs from their paymasters who are mostly foreigners, & they eulogize Bollywood actors(bhands of yesteryears) & demonize the Saints who are torchbearers of our majestic Indian culture. We need America to authenticate the truth of Ramayana, Dwarika, RamSethu etc via NASA. When the same facts are enunciated by the pious Saint or our scriptures, secular/liberals will dismiss it as regressive or mythological. It's not a myth it's our unique majestic culture.
India in ancient times was a land where knowledge was highly respected. If the spiritual knowledge was harmonized with materialistic prosperity by an individual, it was a rare combination & the individual was regarded as blessed & as someone who had done a lot of good deeds in the previous birth. Now with the advent of Kalayuga, people who have money are considered successful & are respected. Materialistic prosperity has become the sole criteria of success which is a brazen truth.
In India, we have torchbearers who are carrying this legacy forward. Is it a surprise that Aamir Khan has never seen the inside of a college as a student? He only has a school education, no college education. And he makes statements of feeling insecure in India? He is probably surrounded by his bodyguards 24x7, how did he feel insecure? From whom? He was only uttering a pre-set narrative to globally tarnish India's image which is probably a part of his Jihadi Islamic agenda. How else do you explain his ungrateful attitude? He was a brand ambassador of India when he tarnished India's image on a public forum open to the global media. If he would bad-mouth Coke which he endorsed earlier saying "I feel like I am drinking toilet cleaner when I am drinking coke", Coke would have slapped defamation & compensation suites worth crores. He was let off scott free by Indian government. That's the tolerance of India & Indian government. Still, people go & watch his movies yet he feels insecure. Hypocrisy is a mild word for such parasites. And the paid media jumps for his defence by rationalizing his foolish & Jihadi sentiments.
Salman Khan is a college drop out. Deepika Padukone. Is it any surprise that Swara Bhaskar is a product of JNU a hub producing anti-India traitors. And these people blow trumpets trying to earn sympathy for anti-India activities/terrorist elements. These bhands make foolish statements, media is paid to carry out propaganda, they create narratives which are spicy & people engage with such parasitic creatures which makes the paid story a success.
However, with rising awareness among people, especially youngsters; more & more people have realised that no one, especially these bhands cannot set the benchmarks of what & what not is tolerance, who should feel insecure, what is right, what should an Indian be ashamed of! Certainly bhands like Aamir Khan, Salman Khan or Swara Bhasker types decide nothing, neither do they set the standards of tolerance nor benchmarks of acceptance metrics. Indians have now come of age and have been able to call out the fake, anti-national agenda of these parasitic bhands who are feeding, surviving & making a living off the money Indians spend in buying tickets of their movies.
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They were not really trusted nor respected, nor was their opinion sought on important issues concerning warfare, governance, strategies of states. No learned man/woman would even think of becoming a bhand at that time. It was kind of a humiliating profession, as depicted even in some of our Old Eastman Colour/Black n White movies. The movies having the concept of Kabila/Carvan in our Bollywood enunciate this in a pretty firm & lucid manner.
However, as cultural values have eroded, noble & dignified karmic professions known as Teaching, being a Defence personnel defending the country against invaders, a learned person showing the true path-Guru etc are nowadays even despised, forget about commanding respect.
Now the respected people are the bhands of Bollywood. The media gets inputs from their paymasters who are mostly foreigners, & they eulogize Bollywood actors(bhands of yesteryears) & demonize the Saints who are torchbearers of our majestic Indian culture. We need America to authenticate the truth of Ramayana, Dwarika, RamSethu etc via NASA. When the same facts are enunciated by the pious Saint or our scriptures, secular/liberals will dismiss it as regressive or mythological. It's not a myth it's our unique majestic culture.
India in ancient times was a land where knowledge was highly respected. If the spiritual knowledge was harmonized with materialistic prosperity by an individual, it was a rare combination & the individual was regarded as blessed & as someone who had done a lot of good deeds in the previous birth. Now with the advent of Kalayuga, people who have money are considered successful & are respected. Materialistic prosperity has become the sole criteria of success which is a brazen truth.
In India, we have torchbearers who are carrying this legacy forward. Is it a surprise that Aamir Khan has never seen the inside of a college as a student? He only has a school education, no college education. And he makes statements of feeling insecure in India? He is probably surrounded by his bodyguards 24x7, how did he feel insecure? From whom? He was only uttering a pre-set narrative to globally tarnish India's image which is probably a part of his Jihadi Islamic agenda. How else do you explain his ungrateful attitude? He was a brand ambassador of India when he tarnished India's image on a public forum open to the global media. If he would bad-mouth Coke which he endorsed earlier saying "I feel like I am drinking toilet cleaner when I am drinking coke", Coke would have slapped defamation & compensation suites worth crores. He was let off scott free by Indian government. That's the tolerance of India & Indian government. Still, people go & watch his movies yet he feels insecure. Hypocrisy is a mild word for such parasites. And the paid media jumps for his defence by rationalizing his foolish & Jihadi sentiments.
Salman Khan is a college drop out. Deepika Padukone. Is it any surprise that Swara Bhaskar is a product of JNU a hub producing anti-India traitors. And these people blow trumpets trying to earn sympathy for anti-India activities/terrorist elements. These bhands make foolish statements, media is paid to carry out propaganda, they create narratives which are spicy & people engage with such parasitic creatures which makes the paid story a success.
However, with rising awareness among people, especially youngsters; more & more people have realised that no one, especially these bhands cannot set the benchmarks of what & what not is tolerance, who should feel insecure, what is right, what should an Indian be ashamed of! Certainly bhands like Aamir Khan, Salman Khan or Swara Bhasker types decide nothing, neither do they set the standards of tolerance nor benchmarks of acceptance metrics. Indians have now come of age and have been able to call out the fake, anti-national agenda of these parasitic bhands who are feeding, surviving & making a living off the money Indians spend in buying tickets of their movies.
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