Wednesday, August 15, 2018

ujjain, prayag, haridwar kumbh. chetak

India, Hindu Rashtra, Hindutva

Hindutva is a way of life.

It is believed that every child born in any corner of the world is Hindu. After Baptism or circumcision etc rituals the new born baby’s faith is changed.

Neither Lord Shri Ram nor Lord Shri Krishna have established 'Hindu religion', they incarnated in this religion. Sanatan Dharma, which is now known as Hinduism, is a way of life. Lord Shri Krishna addressed all human beings in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita & taught everyone the intricacies of life on this planet. The ways to deal with happiness, sufferings, depression, sorrow, victory, defeat, achievements & fulfill the ultimate purpose of life.

After we yot independence from British, 2 small nations separated from India. They got separated on the basis of religion. Those muslims who wanted their Triple Talaq, Polygamy, halala etc rules to be enforced in real life & who could not gel with people from other faiths, respect their beliefs, demanded a separate land & they got it. So technically India should have been left only with Hindus & ultimately a Hindu Rashtra, but thanks to Nehru & Gandhi, we became a secular state.

Hence by default, India is a Hindu Rashtra. The then PM Nehru, declared India as a secular state as that possibly served his cardinal desires apart from safeguarding his post of PM. However the overwhelming majority of India was, is Hindu. Still, we accepted secularism. It’s because we Hindus are in majority, India is secular.

No country with majority population being muslim is secular. Countries where muslim population is in a sizeable proportion, have wiped out the people from other faiths over a period of time & established an Islamic identity. People can cross check & validate this by going through global history.

A shining example is Pakistan where Hindus were > 20% at the time of partition & establishment of its independent identity. Now Hindus are less than 1% in that country in 2018. Ethnic cleansing, forced conversions are a routine, people are coerced into becoming muslims. Beautiful Hindu girls are kidnapped at gunpoint, married off forcefully & law enforcing departments give ludicrous statements, set up narratives to save the culprits. Rinkle Kumari being just one burning example. Check BBC coverage... Row over missing Pakistani Hindu

Likewise for Christians. All the countries where East India company ruled, were forced into accepting Christianity. Even now conversions continue via Evangelists in India which is funded by Vaticn city.  Sonia Gandhi, Nun Teressa are/was the top evangelist. This happens on a massive scale in neglected regions, tribal areas etc... Check the profile, real-time daily updates on -->

During muslim rule in India, apart from harassments, mass conversions, Hindus were forced to pay ‘jizya’ tax to survive & remain alive as Hindus. Likewise to escape atrocities of British, people converted into xtianity.

It is to the credit of the Hindus who had the spine to resist & endure the atrocities of muslim invaders for more than 500 years & British for > 200 years that we have maintained our Hindu identity. It speaks volumes about our DNA & our strong culture, seeds of which were sown by sages, saints, rishis & gurus of ancient Bharat.

Though this has been negated to a great extent since independence by our culture shaming, Hindu bashing projects by Bollywood, Convent schools, taking false pride in English education enforced by Nehru & people who are catalogued with him. The sense of pride in our rich culture which was globally respected, is now missing in youngsters. They want to believe a virgin giving birth to boy as scientific/miraculous truth, witness a Hindu protagonist in a movie dance to music of 'Jumme ki Raat hai...' but will dismiss our history of Ramayan & Mahabharat as myth & impossible thanks to the convent education & Bollywood being funded by Gulf & Dawood type of jihadi criminals to eulogize muslims, xtians & demonize/make fun of sanyasis, saints, Hindu Gods & rituals.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Being in digital marketing, what benefits can I gain by learning data analysis as well?

I presume, you want to remain in the field of digital marketing & check what’s the add-on if you learn data analysis! Though these 2 are different fields but whether you will benefit from learning data analysis, it will depend on your current KRA & Designation.
Take one of numerous possible examples:- using Sentiment Analysis on Twitter via R, you can check what are the feelings for a particular political party being aired by the public, mood after a cricket match is lost, whom does the crowd feel responsible for the loss, does a political leader elicit positive vibes or negative vibes or positive vibes etc. 
Thereafter, you can use Digital marketing to cash-in on the result.

Choosing a Data Science Course !

It would depend on the time & funds that you can set aside to do the course. If you want to do a full-time course, you will need to do a bit of research. My premise is that you intend to work as a Data Scientist after passing out.

Check which institutes get campus visits of companies for recruitments. If any institute boasts of mass recruiters(for eg Infosys, TCS are mass recruiters for Electronics/IT related profiles-they recruit many students from the same batch), it would be a good choice. The placement records of institutes vary almost every year. Most good institutes publish their placement reports & it’s not difficult to contact a passed out student. Either you seek details from the institute, or you can use social media to connect to get plausible info.

If any institute allows you to work on concurrent projects/live projects → they would probably be a good choice. If you get internship, good. Because chances are you get experience, stand a chance to get PPO(Pre Placement Offer), as well as you get connected to the MI/AL crowd, which could be of helpful later on.

The buzz is that R(tool for D.S) is not enough nowadays, people are migrating to Python. You must check the curriculum. Whether they are going to teach you only R or will teach you extensive use of Python as well. Python is an easy language to learn. You can pick up a lot of free material on the internet to learn Python. Also, check if they are delving deep into AI/ML(Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning). You will get to know this either via ex-students or by going through the curriculum/syllabus which you may get in the brochure.

Don't go by the publicity done by the institutes. Though the placement stats may vary every year, still there is no astronomical level of change expected. I can take the names of institutes, rank them city wise, but that could influence your ultimate choice. Rankings are dynamic. They are based on numerous factors. The yardsticks which govern your choice could make an institute ranked much lower in a particular ranking as your more preferred institute.

Based on the metrics/constraints you have, make an informed decision. You will have to live with the result that accrues as a result of your decision. But hey, that's what data scientists do- draw interpretations based on data made available.

Good Luck!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Aamir Khan, Swara Bhaskar -today's Bollywood actors were Bhands of earlier times.

There was a time when the entertainers - the Bollywood actors of today, were nomenclated as bhaands in the days when kings ruled various states of India. These bhands used to stay outside the city/state boundaries. They used to venture inside the boundaries only for business/purchase. They were not given residence within the territories of states.

Check "bhand" in wiki:-

They were not really trusted nor respected, nor was their opinion sought on important issues concerning warfare, governance, strategies of states. No learned man/woman would even think of becoming a bhand at that time. It was kind of a humiliating profession, as depicted even in some of our Old Eastman Colour/Black n White movies. The movies having the concept of Kabila/Carvan in our Bollywood enunciate this in a pretty firm & lucid manner.

However, as cultural values have eroded, noble & dignified karmic professions known as Teaching, being a Defence personnel defending the country against invaders, a learned person showing the true path-Guru etc are nowadays even despised, forget about commanding respect.

Now the respected people are the bhands of Bollywood. The media gets inputs from their paymasters who are mostly foreigners, & they eulogize Bollywood actors(bhands of yesteryears) & demonize the Saints who are torchbearers of our majestic Indian culture. We need America to authenticate the truth of Ramayana, Dwarika, RamSethu etc via NASA. When the same facts are enunciated by the pious Saint or our scriptures, secular/liberals will dismiss it as regressive or mythological. It's not a myth it's our unique majestic culture.

India in ancient times was a land where knowledge was highly respected. If the spiritual knowledge was harmonized with materialistic prosperity by an individual, it was a rare combination & the individual was regarded as blessed & as someone who had done a lot of good deeds in the previous birth. Now with the advent of Kalayuga, people who have money are considered successful & are respected. Materialistic prosperity has become the sole criteria of success which is a brazen truth.

In India, we have torchbearers who are carrying this legacy forward. Is it a surprise that Aamir Khan has never seen the inside of a college as a student? He only has a school education, no college education. And he makes statements of feeling insecure in India? He is probably surrounded by his bodyguards 24x7, how did he feel insecure? From whom? He was only uttering a pre-set narrative to globally tarnish India's image which is probably a part of his Jihadi Islamic agenda. How else do you explain his ungrateful attitude? He was a brand ambassador of India when he tarnished India's image on a public forum open to the global media. If he would bad-mouth Coke which he endorsed earlier saying "I feel like I am drinking toilet cleaner when I am drinking coke", Coke would have slapped defamation & compensation suites worth crores. He was let off scott free by Indian government. That's the tolerance of India & Indian government. Still, people go & watch his movies yet he feels insecure. Hypocrisy is a mild word for such parasites. And the paid media jumps for his defence by rationalizing his foolish & Jihadi sentiments.

Salman Khan is a college drop out. Deepika Padukone. Is it any surprise that Swara Bhaskar is a product of JNU a hub producing anti-India traitors. And these people blow trumpets trying to earn sympathy for anti-India activities/terrorist elements. These bhands make foolish statements, media is paid to carry out propaganda, they create narratives which are spicy & people engage with such parasitic creatures which makes the paid story a success.

However, with rising awareness among people, especially youngsters; more & more people have realised that no one, especially these bhands cannot set the benchmarks of what & what not is tolerance, who should feel insecure, what is right, what should an Indian be ashamed of! Certainly bhands like Aamir Khan, Salman Khan or Swara Bhasker types decide nothing, neither do they set the standards of tolerance nor benchmarks of acceptance metrics. Indians have now come of age and have been able to call out the fake, anti-national agenda of these parasitic bhands who are feeding, surviving & making a living off the money Indians spend in buying tickets of their movies.

What is an ebook? How to create an ebook
The answer to the question, 'what is an ebook', is quite obvious! Easy to guess. ebook, eBook or e-book is an electronic book. 
It is a book made available by a publication(or an author having all the rights of the book) in a digital form. It is just like the hard copies, notebooks, textbooks & consists of written content or images. 

A healthy working kidney plays an important role in keeping the whole body clean, well-fueled, strong and functioning properly. Kidney failure puts the body at risk, 
allowing waste to accumulate and damage the kidneys from inside. It is a good idea to do a kidney cleansing and keep a check on the health of the kidneys in your middle and old age. 

Good to start your study/work by following this ritual.

You can chant “Sarva Dharman Parityajya Maamekam Sharanam Vraj, Aham Tvaa Sarva Paapebhyo Mokshayishyami Maa Shucha” … It’s a shloka of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, it means - ‘O Lord, I surrender to you, please enlighten me’.

You may also chant the mantra - “Om Gam Ganpataye Namah” 108 times. It removes obstacles to success as it is Lord Ganesha’s Mantra. Pray to Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, for her blessings.

You may pray with a part of another Shrimad Bhagvad Gita shlok - “Shishyaste Hum Shaadhimaam, Tvaam Prapannam”… It means - O lord, I am your disciple, please guide me.

Beginning your work with "Om Narayan Narayan Narayan" also helps to finish the task successfully by putting in sincere efforts. It's believed Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Ji used to follow this procedure & was immensely successful.

Data Science, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence(ML/AI), Analytics - the sudden rush!

Even if you browse aimlessly on Google, chances are that you will see an ad for Data Science, Big Data, Machine learning or Artificial Intelligence.

I have myself pondered, tried it, have been quizzed & grilled about it. Out of personal experience & experience of my seniors, I will try to address, provide some guidance & possibly clear the air around this sudden buzz.

These buzzwords - Data Science, Big Data, AI/ML(Machine learning or Artificial Intelligence) are definitely getting people piqued with curiosity. For those with limited info, consider the amount of data we are generating nowadays. From bank transactions to buying from Flipkart, Amazon etc E-commerce sites, to ordering food, Domino's pizza online; to booking train/flight/bus/movie tickets etc involves submitting personal/generic data online. Using this data; firms can track previous sales, performance, buying behaviour etc as a function of various factors like geography, gender, age group, education, income etc. After this, they can predict future behaviour eg which product sells more at what time of the year, age groups, gender preferences, whether or not the loan should be sanctioned, if it's sanctioned what's the probability of default by the customer etc... This is just a snippet of the magnanimous possibilities. And the whole world is possibly moving towards digitalization with the advent of smartphones & apps.

Students or those suffering from the midlife crisis in their profession due to stagnation or other reasons & wanting to change profile are taking up courses to get an entry into this field.Let's make this very clear there are very very few good institutes in India which offer a full-time course in this field. There are hundreds of institutes which will give you the "blended" course, i.e online, weekend lectures, recorded lectures, live video lectures etc...

Doing a full-time course at a college which is reputed will make sense as it will help you with campus placements. The multiple companies which will come during placement season will give you lot of chances to get that job offer with the sought after "Data Scientist" designation. Companies come with their requirements & accordingly adjusted package. If you are having experience, X could be the CTC. If you are a fresher package could be Y. My point is you will most probably get opportunities to face the interview panel & get a job. You will be trained during the initial period by the company that hires you which would be a healthy on-job-training kind of experience for you. If your college is really good, you will do an internship(which is normally a mandate in good colleges). This will stand you in good stead.

If you look at job posts on Naukri, Shine, TimesJobs, Monster, Hirist, Indeed etc the number of opportunities for experienced candidates, those with 2+ years experience overwhelmingly exceed the opportunities for Freshers. Which means opportunities, in case you are planning to switch profiles from Sales, Finance, Operations etc into Data Science & Analytics, are limited.

And for people changing fields after working in a different profile; the age & package become an impactful factor. Someone already drawing a monthly salary in the range of 50k to 125k+ will find it difficult to adjust with the salary offered for a beginner or with no experience in this field. Likewise, even companies would be sceptical to take them on board considering their seniority, previously drawn salary & currently package that can be offered on basis of the tangible & intangible gains for the company, ROI for the company or CTC on basis of various metrics.

Sagacity would imply one should go for a full-time course from a reputed college, especially if one is planning to switch profiles midway through one's career if your family supports you/you can sustain & your pocket allows.

Now let's talk about these "blended" courses... The range of their duration is from 3 months to 11 months. If you can maintain the intensity during the course duration, good. I have seen people lose interest midway(from different institutes) & some people totally dropped out. They did not even complete the course.

Chances are that course will be stretched by 1-2  months duration from the earlier declared duration because of various holidays/offs/procrastination… Even 6 months is a long duration for a part-time course. Chances are that a course which was supposed to end in 6 months ended in the 7th or 8th month OR to wrap up the course in the stipulated time, content was skipped/not taught properly.

I re-iterate, this is a part-time, online, weekend course; you will have your own personal, family, social, most importantly - professional life to take care of. In a full-time course, you are deprived of the burden of balancing your professional life which comes with its share of baggage. You could miss out on important sessions due to your work, this does not help at all. Unless your current company is paying for it, chances are that they will not understand that you need a certain slot of time for next 3-4 months or 9-11 months. Those institutes which conduct classes on Saturdays will need you to be free on Saturdays which is a big ask if you don't have offs on Saturdays. Some have classes on Sundays which is fine, but keeping yourself available for that 3 to 5 hour period for 3 months or upto 11 months depending upon your course duration is not an easy task. It becomes even difficult if Sunday is the only off you get from your office. Some institutes keep a weird timing of 6-9 @ night on weekdays, for classes. You could be travelling from work back to home. So this "blended" course will demand a lot from you.


1) You need to be absolutely sound in Statistics. Statistics is an entire subject taught in colleges.

2) A bit of coding background helps. It’s not a mandate, but you must not be resistant to coding.

How good is the support that these institutes offering "blended" course offer for doubt/query resolving can make or mar the enthusiasm of students. I have seen very focused students lose interest because there was no concept clearance/doubt solving assistance offered.

So, my strong recommendation would be:-

1) If your company is paying up for you, go ahead with a "blended" course. But you need to be super-charged so that you depend more on yourself to be able to derive full benefit of the course.

2) If you are looking for placement assistance get credible & plausible info of the scenario of students passed out from the institute you are joining by reaching out to them.

3) If it's possible for you depending on your family/financial constraints, go for a full-time course from a reputed institute after checking out the placement statistics of your previous batch. Most reputed institutes willingly share their placement stats. In fact they publish an audited report. Check their websites. Or else connect through their passed out students on Linkedin or Social media sights & then decide.

Do your own research, back your basic instincts & gut feeling. You need to take an informed decision because ultimately it's you who will have to live with the result accrued as a result of your decision.

 Good luck!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Submission at Lords by Indian batsmen, reminds of the 100 all out in South Africa in 1996

If  'abject surrender' would be used to describe the 1st innings batting performance of Indian batsmen, it would possibly be an understatement. It reminded a similar batting performance of Indian team in South Africa in 1996-97 when Indians were shot out for 100 in the first innings of the test.

Normally at least one tail ender & one top order batsmen stand out in such matches. Today it was only Ashwin. Though the non-performance of the specialist Indian batsmen could result in the mental fatigue of  Virat Kohli stressing him out to the extent of driving him into playing false strokes. No one else really applied themselves. That does not take away the credit for the good deliveries bowled by Curran, Woakes, Broad or Anderson. But this supposedly 'best team equipped to win in England' could have done better.

It's the all familiar scorecard for an Indian cricket fan. In all the innings that Dinesh Karthik has batted on this tour, more & more fingers are being pointed on him. Possibly he will come good in the next innings, but the collective failure of Indian batsmen has the spotlight hovering on him, Pandytop class or current Indian batsmen just lack the calibre to play genuine, quality swing bowling or both the points are true. Whatever is the case, blame needs to be shared. Ownership needs to be taken.
a, Murali Vijay, KL Rahul. The fact that Pujara becomes immobile with fall of an early wicket was re-stated with him scoring 1 out of 25 deliveries. Either the swing bowling by Curran, Woakes, Broad or Anderson was

Whether Kohli will be able to motivate his bowlers to come out tomorrow with a similar/better display of bowling than their English counterparts we need to find out tomorrow.

Anderson's hostile swing bowling @ Lord's Cricket Test Match India Vs England

After the first day's play being washed out, second day's start of play saw India lose 2 early wickets to hostile swing bowling from James Anderson. How will India's brittle middle order perform, remains to be seen...

Cheteshwar Pujara was batting with Virat Kohli when rain stopped play again. Pujara had played 19 deliveries & scored 1. It's imperative that batsmen should not be too much bogged down by the match situation. If the fact that we need to hold up one end & not give wickets along with the fact that my place in the team is at stake, plays too much on batsman's mind, he will be nowhere near even his normal self, forget about being his best.

Indian fans would be already missing the services of a swing bowler like Bhuvaneshwar Kumar, mentally. Kuldeep Yadav has been picked along with Pujara. Whether they will be able to make telling contributions & push their team beyond the finish line for the victory, we will have to wait & watch to find out.

What is an ebook? How to create an ebook
The answer to the question, 'what is an ebook', is quite obvious! Easy to guess. ebook, eBook or e-book is an electronic book.
It is a book made available by a publication(or an author having all the rights of the book) in a digital form. It is just like the hard copies, notebooks, textbooks & consists of written content or images.
Click here to create unlimited ebooks.

Check out this 5 second water hack that crushes food cravings & melts fat.

This method helps you to get deep sleep, stop the accelerated aging process of the body, improve your libido(boost your sex drive) & helps you to lose fat.

What is chronic kidney disease's remedy?
A healthy working kidney plays an important role in keeping the whole body clean, well-fueled, strong and functioning properly. Kidney failure puts the body at risk,
allowing waste to accumulate and damage the kidneys from inside. It is a good idea to do a kidney cleansing and keep a check on the health of the kidneys in your middle and old age.

Good Morning